Cesare Pietroiusti and Bob Dickenson

psychogeographic exploration

May 30, 2007


Bob and Cesare met me early Wednesday morning.


Bob wanted to tape our trip for a radio program.


We set out around the loop in the rain.


Bob had good questions. He seemed interested in the project as it related to psychogeography the study of the effects of geographical settings on our behavior and mood.


I was a little self concious about talking to much in front of Cesare – I wanted him to have his own experience of the place. I was so happy that they had come out even in the rain.


But he seemed to be enjoying himself.


And then just as we were coming quietly around a bend in the canal – we saw one of the most wonderful things that I have seen yet.


A nest of Moorhens. The small heads of the chicks were poking through the feathers of the hen – so it looked like a bird with five tiny heads. Look – said Bob – her nest is made from packets of crisps, things she found in that canal, just like your boat.

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